So, I got my car back today. I was super excited. But then they tell me that there wasn't anything wrong with it. Now, this I do not believe for one second. I distinctly remember having to have that thing towed to the shop. But they said it was just fine. So, I drove my baby home and it did indeed seem to be true, my car was fine.
I had it parked in the garage for around an hour then I had to leave for my pottery class. This is when the plot thickens. I go to start my car and no deal. It does not start again. So friends, it is back to square one.
I love mechanics!
Getting Close
14 years ago
I have a theory:
I've personally had mechanics FUBAR this multiple times -- one time it took 4 trips to the mechanic in a week to get it right!
If it is the alternator, they will tell you it's the battery (they probably charged your battery to get it to work temporarily. Ask if they did this, and if they checked the alternator)
Signs that it's an alternator: while driving things like headlights and internal gauge lights start going dim. Also the fact if you try to stop and restart the car will end in fail, although leaving it for extended periods of time (overnight or a day or two) it MIGHT start up again. But at this point probably not, because it's doing such a number on your battery most likely you'll need a new battery too.
I also (mostly) hate mechanics. Thank GOD my boyfriend's cousin is the most honest lovable wonderful smart mechanic evar, I no longer have to deal with idiots. :)
GRRR I've been through this with mechanics so many times. I don't know if it's because I'm a woman or what. I've brought my car in, explained the problem, and left with a pat on the head and told nothing was wrong. GRRR only to have months later something serious go wrong that leaves me without a vehicle for days that I find out my complaints were related to and could have been resolved earlier for less.
I'm so sorry - good luck to you!
.... Hmm.... to speak up or not? XD
I actually work with mechanics. I work at the front desk, answer phones, take in cars, and do paperwork.
The thing with cars - when something goes wrong, its pretty much a "narrow-it-down" strategy. Because if it just won't start, there is sooooo much that could have happened, and you really can't pinpoint it until you check all sorts of things.
If your car gets no power at all when you turn the key - you should definitely get someone to check the alternator, as queenkellee said. The alternator charges the battery while the car is running. Without it, you run on pure battery power... and when that battery power is gone, it will completely die.
If the radio/lights come on and such - but just won't start, thats a completely different problem.
Cars can be insanely frustrating at times, and I own several older, high maintenance ones. XD But, just hang in there :D
When I turn the key the lights/radio/ac all some on and the engine makes a sad revving sound like it wants to start but it never does. It just makes that sad sound.
It's really sad....
Sounds like your car is stuck in the fuel process. Kinda like it isn't getting enough fuel to start?
Most commonly, it could be a fuel pump going bad. Sometimes, they will work for a while, then go out, then work again until it finally dies for good.
Just a thought :D
Sai, I think that is the best assessment I've heard yet. I've been having fuel troubles lately, as well. And my fuel gauge has been sketchy, giving me weird readouts....
When I take it back in all give them your suggestion! Thanks!
Oh and thanks Kellee and Cen for your help/concern!
I have a sticky note on the wall next to my computer that looks like this:
IT problems - ask Kellee
now I've added...
Vehicle problems - ask Sai
YAY blogging is making my life a better place!
I have had so much car trouble with my previous baby - I can commiserate! Hope your car comes back all fixed this time :)
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