Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Your It!

I was confused and slightly annoyed by the sight of what must have been a game of tag going on at Armidi tonight when Nikki pointed out something to me. I also like to make a spectacle of myself in public places. Case in point, Tuesday night when Ali, Cen, Meara, Aisuru, Sai and I danced in a Gor sim like it was our own personal night club. (Well, they never should have put out a dance ball....)

Then, I decided to hope those running fools were having as much fun as we did the night before...

Yeah, have some pics to commemorate our tomfoolery:


C said...

Hey that looks just like my dream! LOL

Nikki Zenovka said...

oh - I do hope my tongue in cheek humor showed when I typed my reply about "oh no, people making spectacles of themselves in a public store!" LOL

... now you have me worried it came out wrong!

It sounded/sounds like you all had a blast that night - wish I could have joined you!

Sehra Kauffman said...

No no, I got you... it just fit in well with my post. :)