I am the queen master wasp killer!
So, I mentioned the nest of wasps at my work a few posts ago. Well, they have been plaguing me for the past month or so, and, being allergic to them, I have done little to nothing about them. I just have this fear that if I get too near their nest they will all swarm me, and all that will be left of poor Sehra is a bleached-out skeleton. Well, today, on the way to the bathroom, a little posse of wasps came after me. I had just had it. I had tried ignoring them. I had tried running from them. I had tried screaming at them. It was the end of the line. Today it was time for a new, more devious, approach. I whipped out my can of wasp killer on that posse and killed them all! Whoot!
Drunk on my success from the wasp massacre, I decided to kill all the wasps I could possibly find. I sprayed mud dauber nests. I sprayed yellow jacket hives, I sprayed areas I suspected might have at some point had some kind of stinging bug living in it. When I came back to my senses I had used the entire can of wasp spray and there was the general buzz of angry winged bugs all over my working area. Hahahahaha. I knew soon they would all perish.
Oh yes, I am the queen master wasp killer!